.. _dev-getting-started: Getting started with development ================================ This document will guide you through the steps of getting a development environment up and running. This guide was written for an Ubuntu 10.10 system, there may be some differences with other systems. Install the required system packages ------------------------------------ Before even getting the source code, we need to make sure you have all the system level dependencies installed. The following command will take care of it:: $ sudo apt-get install mercurial python-virtualenv python-dev libxslt-dev libxml2-dev Get the source and build the development environment ---------------------------------------------------- The first thing you need to do is to clone the Mercurial repository:: $ hg clone https://merlot.googlecode.com/hg/ merlot Then change to the working directory, create a virtualenv right there and activate it:: $ cd merlot $ virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.6 --no-site-packages . $ source bin/activate Now we build the `buildout`:: $ python bootstrap.py $ buildout This usually takes a while, as the buildout command downloads all the requirements for Merlot. Finally, we can start the server, which will run in port 8080:: $ merlot fg First steps to play with the system ----------------------------------- Once the server is up, point your browser to http://localhost:8080/ and authenticate using `admin:admin` to access the Grok administration screen. There you can create a Merlot application and start playing with it. The first thing you will want to do is to add `users` and `clients`. Projects will be later associated to clients. Once you've added at least one client, you can proceed to add a `project`, which is what this is all about. Run the automated tests ----------------------- To run Merlot automated tests, just run the following command from the working directory:: $ bin/test You can generate a coverage report with the following command:: $ bin/test -s merlot --coverage=coverage The report files will be generated in HTML format in the `coverage` directory. Build the documentation ----------------------- To build the Merlot documentation, just run the following command from the working directory:: $ bin/sphinx-build docs-source/ docs The documentation will be created in the `docs` directory in HTML format.